The material you choose for your deck framing plays a crucial role in the stability, longevity, and safety of your deck. You will find that many decks built by general contractors, handymen, and DIYers are built with untreated Douglas Fir. While the code states that this is an okay choice in lumber (providing your deck is 12-18 inches off of the ground in most jurisdictions) most professional deck builders know this is not the best option. Why not? Douglas Fir is not meant for ground contact or contact with moisture and while your deck may be 12-18 inches off of the ground, have you seen more than 12 inches of snow in your backyard during an Idaho winter? Me too.
So what is the best option? Let's talk pressure-treated wood. Elevated Deck & Fence always uses pressure treated lumber or steel framing no matter the size, height, or decking selection. This type of wood undergoes a special treatment process that enhances its durability and resistance to environmental factors. It is infused with oils that are heated and pressure treated into the boards. Now you're probably wondering what that is going to cost. While the average cost difference between treated and untreated boards can vary greatly, price differences are currently within 10% of each other. The only real downside to treated lumber is the variation in board thickness and straightness which can be up to half an inch. This means that if you are not careful the deck can have severe low or high spots. However, with the right tools and close attention to detail, you can build a level deck with pressure treated wood.
Another key component in deck framing is joist tape. This is butyl or other adhesive tape that is placed on top of all joists, ledger, and rim boards. Moisture and debris (leaves, pine needles, seeds, etc.) can eventually rot the top of your joists and cut down on the lifespan of your deck quickly. However, with joist tape on top, it prevents the water and debris from sitting on top of the joists for a prolonged period of time. This simple step makes a HUGE difference in any build, especially with the amount of moisture we can get during our fall, winters, and springs. As you can see in the picture to the left without the proper flashing and waterproofing your deck could eventually look like this.
Framing a deck sets the basis for a beautiful and durable outdoor space. Using quality materials, meticulous planning, and the right tools are essential. For any long-standing and beautiful deck - it all starts with a sold frame.
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